The Risks of Self-Medication

Actualizado: mar 28

Self-medication is the use of medication, drugs, or other substances by an individual to treat their medical conditions or symptoms without the guidance of a healthcare professional. It can be risky and even dangerous, as it may lead to adverse reactions, interactions, or worsening of underlying conditions. It's essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Nowadays, self-medication is a common habit for various needs, like relaxation, energy boosts, headache relief, or digestive issues. There is always a reason for people to grab one of the many medications accumulated at home.

In this post, we identify the risks of self-medication and highlight the importance of responsible self-medication.

In the past, there was little regulation on the availability of drugs, and substances like alcohol, cocaine, and opioids were sold without any warnings or restrictions. However, as laws were put in place, a distinction was made between prescription drugs, which were found to be potentially addictive or unsafe without medical supervision, and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, which were considered safe for the self-treatment of minor ailments and eventually became popular worldwide.

Despite their widespread availability, there is currently no system in place to track the adverse effects of OTC drugs. This means that regulatory bodies and manufacturers are unaware of the frequency and severity of any potential issues. In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift towards making drugs that were previously only available with a prescription now accessible without one, increasing the risks of self-medication.

Risks of self-medicating

  • Incorrect self-diagnosis: You may misdiagnose your condition and take the wrong medication.

  • Adverse drug interactions: Mixing medications can cause harmful reactions or reduce effectiveness.

  • Incorrect dosage: Taking the wrong dose can lead to overdose or underdose.

  • Masking underlying conditions: Self-medication may temporarily relieve symptoms, delaying proper medical attention.

  • Dependence and addiction: Frequent self-medication can lead to dependence or addiction.

  • Monitoring absence: Health professionals won't monitor your condition, leading to potential complications.

It is essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Have you or are you self-medicating? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Have you been taking over-the-counter medications for longer periods or in higher doses than recommended?

  • Have you used prescription medications for someone else or a different condition?

  • Have you consumed alcohol or illicit drugs to cope with emotional or physical issues?

  • Have you used herbal supplements or alternative therapies to treat medical conditions without medical advice?

How to avoid self-medication

  • Consult a healthcare professional: Before taking any medication or supplement, consult a doctor or pharmacist to ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment.

  • Follow prescription instructions: Take medication as directed by your healthcare provider, and don't deviate from the prescribed dosage or duration.\

  • Be aware of potential interactions: Inform your healthcare provider about all medications, supplements, and vitamins you're taking to avoid harmful interactions.

  • Seek professional help for mental health: For mental health concerns, consult a professional instead of self-medicating with substances or alcohol.

  • Educate yourself: Learn about your condition and treatment options, but don't rely solely on online research or self-diagnosis.

  • Use reputable sources: Get information from credible health sources, not social media or unverified online sites.

Responsible Self-medication

According to the World Health Organization, responsible self-medication implies that individuals have the right and responsibility to participate in their healthcare. To use certain medications appropriately, it is necessary to have basic knowledge about minor pathologies and chronic diseases. Disease prevention is fundamental and applicable to nutrition, housing, and work.

Pharmacists can recommend, but only doctors can prescribe after evaluating a patient's clinical condition, health status, physiological circumstances, medical history, and current medications.

Advantages of over-the-counter medications

Medical consultations are not always necessary for minor health symptoms and issues. Instead, they can be prevented and treated with the help of various resources. This can reduce the strain on medical services and make healthcare more accessible to rural and distant communities. It also promotes the idea that individuals are responsible for their health, rather than relying on the state for a paternalistic approach to population health.

To prevent serious health problems, it is crucial to promptly seek medical help in unusual situations or when experiencing unfamiliar symptoms. Self-medicating can have permanent detrimental effects on our health, therefore it is advisable to refrain from it and discourage others from doing the same.

Healthcare experts stress the significance of owning our health by acknowledging the potential harm of unregulated medication use and overcoming the reluctance to seek medical guidance. In short, it is always recommended to consult a healthcare provider for tailored advice and treatment. They can assist in making informed decisions regarding our health and overall wellness.
